采用间歇式曝气生物滤池(IABF)对印染废水进行深度处理,从6种填料中优选出活性炭-火山岩混合填料进行工况研究并与常规陶粒曝气生物滤池(BAF)进行对比,结果表明:活性炭填料和火山岩填料在水中发挥了良好的协同作用,为不同微生物菌群的构建和负载提供了良好载体。采用粒径为3~5 mm的混合填料,气水比为4∶1,HRT=10 h,曝停周期为3 h,曝气停曝时间比为3∶1,进水COD为80~110 mg/L,色度为70~90度,氨氮为8~11 mg/L,TN为15~20 mg/L时,混合填料间歇式曝气生物滤池对COD、色度、氨氮、TN的去除率分别为63.2%、70.4%、86.2%、55.3%。相比常规陶粒填料曝气生物滤池在COD、色度、TN方面提升了9.8%、12.8%、39.9%,同时节省了部分能源。为难降解印染废水的深度处理提供了新思路。
The paper used IABF for advanced treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater,to optimize the suitable stuffing and
study the water treatment technological process. The results demonstrated that activated carbon and volcano rock mixed stuffing
played synergistic effect,providing a good carrier for building and loading with different efficient microbial flora. When the
mixed stuffing's particles diameter was 3 ~ 5 mm,gas /water ratio was 4 ∶ 1,HRT was 10 h,operation cycle was 3 h,and
aeration /interruption ratio of 3∶ 1,the average removal rates of COD,chromaticity color,NH3 -N,TN could reach 63. 2%、
70. 4%、86. 2%、55. 3%,respectively. By using mixed stuffing IABF,the COD,chromaticity color and TN removal rate could
be improved 9. 8%、12. 8%、39. 9%,respectively,as compared with the conventional ceramic stuffing BAF. The study
provided a new method for advanced treatment for printing and dyeing wastewater