This research studied the absorption process,using a common organic absorbent 0# diesel oil to treat toluene-loaded vent
gas,in terms of absorption possibility and mass transfer. A detailed comparison and evaluation of static gas liquid equilibrium and
dynamic absorption simulation was undertook. The results showed in certain concentration and temperature range,gas-liquid
equilibrium of 0# diesel oil and toluene was accordance with Henry' s law. In the dynamic absorption simulation experiment,
treatment rate and efficiency for the toluene rose with the increase of the concentration of toluene. Calculation showed that the uptake
of toluene was far lower than the theory and the gap of them became narrow. In the process of absorption,small amounts of 0# diesel
oil escaped,and caused the problem of secondary pollution. This problem could be eliminated by other process such as adsorption 0#
diesel oil suited the requirements as an absorbent to treat industrial polluted air loaded with toluene.