采用化学分析、激光粒度、X射线衍射、扫描电镜以及红外光谱等手段对烧结、高炉及电炉等3种含锌粉尘基本物性进行分析,在此基础上,进一步对3种含锌粉尘进行混合造球试验,从成球动力学和生球强度两方面探讨混合粉尘适宜的造球参数。结果表明:3种粉尘均含有较高的全铁含量,但Fe的存在形式有所差异,同时,高炉粉尘碳含量为21.44%,电炉粉尘Zn含量可达6.63%。另一方面,为同时保证生球的产量和质量,混合粉尘适宜的造球参数为:造球水分11.25%~11.75%,膨润土含量2%,造球时间20 min,圆盘转速27~31 r/min,给料量5 kg。
In the present work,the basic characteristics of zinc-bearing dust,including sintering,blast furnace and electric
arc furnace dust,were investigated through the chemical analysis,laser particle size,X-ray diffraction,scanning electron
microscopy and infrared spectrum. Furthermore,the pelletizing experiment of mixed dust was carried out,and the optimal
pelletizing parameters were investigated based on the balling dynamics and the green pellet strength. The results showed that
the mass fraction of total Fe in three zinc-bearing dusts were all high with the different mineral forms. In addition,the mass
fraction of C in the blast furnace dust was up to 21. 44%,and that of Zn in the electric furnace dust was up to 6. 63%. On the
other hand,in order to improve the pellet yield and quality simultaneously,the optimal pelletizing parameters of mixed dust
should be controlled as follows: Moisture content 11. 25% ~ 11. 75%,bentonite content 2%,pelletizing time 20 min,disk
rotational speed 27 ~ 31 r /min,feeding amount 5 kg.