针对传统卫生填埋过程中存在的不足,开展了准好氧生物反应器填埋场的室内模拟试验,以导气管管径为参照变量,设计两组准好氧生物反应器填埋场并对其进行连续监测。研究表明:在填埋处理的300 d内,垃圾沉降比例接近40%,固相垃圾的有机质含量可降至24%,渗滤液的COD、BOD5、TOC、氨氮与总氮等污染物指标可得到高效去除,分别降至3 643,73,1 284,67,109 mg/L,VFA物质可降至20 mmol/L,B/C降至0.02~0.03,渗滤液的可生化性大大降低,填埋垃圾减量化、无害化、稳定化效果显著。
Aiming to overcome the shortcomings existing in the traditional sanitary landfill,simulation researches of semiaerobic
bioreactor landfill by laboratory experiments were conducted. Two systems,distinguished by the airway diameters,had
been set up and operated continuously. The results demonstrated that both the waste and the leachate in the bioreactor changed
considerably in the duration. The settlement ratio achieved nearly 40%,the organic matters in solid waste reduced to 24%,
and the COD,BOD5
,TOC,ammonia nitrogen and TN concentrations of the leachate were reduced significantly,decreased to
3 643 mg /L,73 mg /L,1 284 mg /L,67 mg /L,109 mg /L,respectively. The VFA could drop to 20 mmol /L and the B/C
ratio to a level of 0. 02 ~ 0. 03,which collectively means that the leachate and also the remaining waste were rarely biologically
degradable. All the characteristics revealed that a favorable degradation was achieved,the waste got reduced,the pollutants
abated,and the overall landfill primarily stabilized