选用四种不同织物构造的聚苯硫醚覆膜滤料、超细纤维面层滤料、异形纤维面层滤料和常规滤料,采用氧化铝标准粉尘Pural NF在VDI测试装置进行除尘滤料冷动态除尘性能测试。通过对实验数据的分析得到:织物特性对滤料阻力有较大影响,虽然清洁阶段覆膜滤料阻力最大,接近200 Pa,但稳定和老化阶段阻力最小,仅有300 Pa,而常规滤料阻力在稳定阶段最大,高达790 Pa;织物特性的差异对滤料平均清灰周期也有较大影响,覆膜滤料、超细纤维层滤料、三叶纤维层滤料和常规滤料清洁阶段滤料的平均清灰周期分别为380,241,223,177 s,其他阶段滤料清灰周期长短顺序与清洁阶段相同,覆膜滤料清灰周期最长,寿命也最长;织物特性的不同对滤料过滤效率也有一定的影响,超细滤料、覆膜滤料、三叶形滤料和常规滤料清洁阶段过滤效率达到99.9%以上,穿透率分别为0.0261%、0.004%、0.0321%、0.0322%;稳定阶段的过滤效率除常规滤料外都可以达到99.99%以上,穿透率分别为0.0027%、0.0003%、0.0014%和0.4765%。
Chosen PPS fabric material,microfiber layer filter material,microporous PTFE membrane filter material,triple leaf fiber layer filter material as filter material,the study measured the dynamic dust removal performance indexes in the VDI device for cold test adpoting the Al2O3 dust of Pural NF. The results showed that the types of fabric properties had a relatively large influence on the resistance of the filtration materials. Although the resistance of filter material in clean stage was close to 200 Pa, but the resistance in stable and aging stage was only 300 Pa,and the conventional filter material resistance at stable stage was the largest up to 790 Pa. The difference of the fabric property also had a comparatively large influence on the average dust cleaning cycle of the filtration materials. The average dust cleaning cycles of the microporous PTFE membrane filter material,microfiber layer filter material,triple leaf fiber layer filter material and the conventional PPS filter material were 380,241,223,177 s,the dust cleaning cycle in other stage was the same as in the initial stages. The microporous PTFE membrane filtration material had the longest cleaning cycle and the longest life cycle. The filtration efficiencies of the microporous PTFE membrane filter material, microfiber layer filter material,triple leaf fiber layer filter material and the conventional PPS filter material in the initial stage could reach above 99. 9%,and the penetration efficiencies were 0. 0261%,0. 004%,0. 0321% and 0. 0322% respectively. The filtration efficiencies except the conventional filter material could reach above 99. 99%,and the penetration efficiencies were 0. 0027%,0. 0003%,0. 0014% and 0. 4765% respectively in the stable stage.