本文对CNKI中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库以及重庆维普数据库收录的有关我国污染土壤修复的研究论文进行了检索,以文献计量学方法进行统计分析,明确了我国污染土壤修复研究的发展现状。2000—2011年,我国污染土壤修复领域的文献量呈快速上升趋势,污染土壤修复的研究在全国范围内得到了关注。该领域涉及作者6 012名,核心作者129名。著录发文机构共1 067家,发表论文100篇及以上的机构3家,是本领域的主要研究机构,中国科学院发文数量居首位。被引次数排在前10位的论文总被引次数为3 188,被引次数最高的前3篇论文分别刊登在《土壤通报》、《科学通报》上。《农业环境科学学报》(其前身《农业环境保护》)刊发论文数量、影响因子居于榜首,《安徽农业科学》刊发89篇,位居第2。关键词分析表明,重金属污染、有机物污染、农药污染是我国土壤污染的主要类型;土壤修复方式以植物修复、微生物修复、电动修复较多,化学修复、物理修复、淋溶修复较少;原位修复较异位修复研究为多。
The papers on remediation of contaminated soil in China recorded in the Chinese Journal Full-Text Database Retrieval ( CNKI) ,Wanfang Data,and Chongqing metrics were statistically analyzed to find out the development status and trend of the soil remediation in China. The result demonstrated that the amounts of papers on soil remediation were increased rapidly from 2000 to 2011,indicating that mach attention had been paid to the remediation of contaminated soil in China since 2000. There were 6 012 authors with 129 core authors and 1 067 research institutes involved. There were 3 institutions that published 100 and over papers. Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked No. 1 in the quantity of published papers. The top 3 most cited articles were published in Chinese Journal of Soil Science and Chinese Science Bulletin. The published paper number and impact factor of Journal of Agro-Environment Science ( Agro-environmental protection) ranked at the fist place, followed by Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,who published 89 in total. Keywords analysis demonstrated that the heavy metal pollution,organic pollution,pesticide pollution were the main type of soil pollution. In terms of soil remediation methods,much more attention was paid to phytoremediation,microbial remediation,and electrokinetic remediation than chemical remediation,physical repair,and leaching repair. The researches on in situ remediation were more than ectopic repair.