为了对五孔中空纤维膜在分置式膜生物反应器(MBR)处理模拟印染废水中膜污染特性进行研究,提出从水力学角度考察膜污染特性。在曝气强度分别为25,50,75,100 L/h,出水通量分别为9,12,15,18 L/(m2·h)的工况下考察膜污染表征系数跨膜压差(TMP)的变化情况。得出如下结论:出水通量稳定时,在一定范围内曝气强度的增加可使TMP的增长率降低,即延长膜稳定运行时间,有效缓解膜污染;在次临界通量下曝气量恒定时,出水通量越小,TMP的增长率越小,即膜的稳定运行时间越长。此实验结果对MBR中膜污染的有效控制和水力条件优化提供数据依据。
During simulated dyeing and printing wastewater treatment,the characteristics of MBR five-pore hollow fiber
membrane fouling in terms of hydraulics were studied. In order to test the changes of TMP,which was a key characteristic on
membrane fouling,the experiment was carried out under the aeration intensity condition ranging from 25 L/h to 100 L/h and
water flux condition ranging from 9 L/( m2·h) to 18 L/( m2·h) . The results indicated that when the water flux was stable,the
increasing of aeration intensity in a certain range could mitigate membrane fouling effectively and prolong the membrane
running time; when aeration intensity was stable under sub-critical flux,the TMP's growth rate gradually reduced along with
decreasing of water flux,namely the membrane running time was prolonged. This study provided valuable data of the
membrane fouling control as well as the optimization of hydraulic conditions.