为了研究改性制备核桃壳对石油烃吸附程度,以化学改性制备核桃壳为吸附剂,考察了溶液p H值、时间和温度对改性核桃壳吸附石油烃效果的影响。结果表明:当温度为298 K,p H为7.0,0.2 g改性核桃壳吸附处理100 m L浓度为60 mg/L的柴油溶液,80 min后吸附量最大,可达到12.57 mg/g。该吸附过程符合准二级动力学方程,其相关系数达到0.9999。在3种温度(298,308,318 K)条件下的吸附等温曲线更符合Freundlich模型。通过热力学计算证实,该吸附过程是吸热的、自发的过程,一定程度上的升温有助于石油烃的吸附。
In order to study the adsorption efficiency of petroleum hydrocarbon by chemical modified walnut shell,this paper
used modified walnut shell as adsorbent and discussed the effects of initial pH value,adsorption time and temperature on the
process. The results showed that the maximal adsorption capacity was up to 12. 57 mg /g under the conditions of pH of 7. 0,
adsorption time of 80 min,temperature of 298 K and 0. 2 g of modified walnut shell mixed with 100mL of 60 mg /L diesel
solution. The pseudo-second order kinetic model could provide a better correlation to the adsorption,the coefficient was
0. 9999. The isothermal adsorption was tested under the three temperature ( i. e. 298,308,318 K) ,freundlich model was
more suitable to describe the process rather than Langmuir model. The thermodynamics values indicated that the adsorption
process was endothermic and spontaneous. To some extent,the adsorption capacity enhanced with the increasing of temperature.