PM2.5因其粒径小、吸附能力强、输送距离远、环境危害大,同时捕集困难而成为世界各国共同关注的大气环境问题。以涂氧化铝膜的碳化硅陶瓷膜管(孔隙率28.16%,平均孔径20μm,过滤面积0.28 m2)为过滤元件,搭建了PM2.5捕集的实验装置,对膜管的过滤时间、通量与阻力降的关系以及捕集效率与时间的关系和膜污染控制方面进行了研究。结果表明:随过滤时间增加,通量逐渐减小,阻力降逐渐增大,捕集效率逐渐增大,对PM2.5捕集效率高达99.9%;对膜污染控制参数优化后反吹压强选定为0.8 MPa,反吹间隔时间为10 min,反吹时间为14 s。
The treatment for PM2. 5 has been paid more and more attention all around the world for its characteristics,such as
small size,strong adsorption ability,long transportation range,great effect on atmosphere and difficulties in trapping . With
silicon carbide ceramic membrane tube coated with alumina ( porosity: 28. 16%,the average pore diameter: 20 μm,filter
area: 0. 28 m2 ) as filter element,an experimental device was set up for trapping PM2. 5 . The relationship between the filter
time,flux and pressure drop,collection efficiency,cleaning pressure and cleaning time were studied. The results showed that
the flux reduced gradually,the pressure drop and the collection efficiency increased with the filter time,and the collection
efficiency for PM2. 5 was up to 99. 9%. The optimization parameters for membrane fouling control were the cleaning pressure 0. 8
MPa,the cleaning interval 10 min and the cleaning time 14 s,respectively.