采用厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)处理猪粪废水时,发现消化液膜出水可发生自结晶沉淀反应,生成类似鸟粪石的含氮磷沉淀。试验通过控制初始pH使猪粪废水厌氧膜出水发生自结晶沉淀反应,考察了初始pH(8、9、10)对沉淀物组分及形态的影响。结果表明:初始pH为8、9、10时,磷去除率分别为30.8%、67.6%及87.7%;p H从8提高到9时,沉淀物中鸟粪石晶体的粒径变大且形态更完整;而pH为10时,颗粒较小且含钙沉淀较多;进一步分析各条件下沉淀物的晶体组分可知,初始pH为8、9时,沉淀物中晶体的主要成分为鸟粪石,而初始pH为10时,沉淀物中存在大量的含钙沉淀。因此,在该试验条件下,采用鸟粪石结晶法从该猪粪废水厌氧膜出水中回收磷的最佳初始pH为9。
Precipitation similar to struvite was found in the effluent of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating swine manure
wastewater by spontaneously reaction. The test studied the effect of different initial pH ( 8,9,10) on the precipitate composition
and form in order to get struvite worthy of reuse. Results showed that: Phosphorous removal rate was 30. 8%,67. 6% and 87. 7%,
respectively with initial pH of 8,9 and 10; struvite crystal with bigger size and better structure was formed during pH raised from 8
to 9; but precipitation formed at initial pH 10 was small,irregular and contained much impurities; besides,struvite was the main
component of the precipitation at pH 8 and 9,but lots of calcium precipitation were formed at pH 10. Therefore,the optimal initial
pH was 9 in this test for phosphorous recovery as struvite from anaerobically digested swine manure wastewater.