在充分考虑案例中含汞污染物的风险特征和场地信息的前提下,选用3MRA模型模拟预测在不同的设置条件下,WP、WP-LF和WP-LF-LAU 3种处理模式安全处置污染物汞的安全阈值,为废物处理方案选择提供数据信息。模拟实验证明,在摄入暴露途径模拟中,保护比和置信水平一定时,WP、WP-LF、WP-LF-LAU 3种废物处置模式下计算出的污染物非致癌风险阈值会随距案例径向距离的增加而增加或保持不变,其中,WP-LF废物处置方式不仅在模拟距离发生变化时表现出较好的伸缩性,而且在保护比、污染物阈值一定时,比WP和WP-LF-LAU两种废物处置方式下的置信水平更高。结合当代技术发展水平情况,认为WP-LF的废物处置模式是本案例含汞废物处置的最佳选择方案。
Under the premise of full consideration of the risk characteristics and site information of mercury-containing
contamination in the case,we chose 3MRA models to simulate and predict safety threshold of WP,WP-LF and WP-LF-LAU,
the three processing modes for safe disposal of mercury were conducted in different setting conditions,in order to provide data
information for options of waste disposal program. Simulation experiments showed that,in the simulation of ingestion exposed
way,when the protection ratio and the confidence level is constant,non-carcinogenic risk threshold,calculated by waste
disposal mode of WP,WP-LF,and WP-LF-LAU,would increase or be unchanged with the radial distance from case site
inereased. The waste disposal mode of WP-LF not only showed better scalability with simulated distance changing,but also
had a higher confidence level than the other two waste disposal models,in a certain protection ratio and a certain threshold
value. WP-LF waste disposal mode is proved to be the best choice for mercury-bearing waste disposal in this case.