摘要: 研究了悬浮填料投加对分置式厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)的COD去除效果、污泥混合液特性及膜污染的影响。试验结果表明:在反应器有机负荷为2.09 kg/(m3·d),污泥负荷为0.54 kg/(kg·d),水力停留时间(HRT)为48 h,温度为(35±2)℃的条件下,与未投加悬浮填料阶段比较,投加填料后AnMBR的COD总去除率由96.6%提高至97.9%,甲烷产率提高16.0%。同时投加悬浮填料后AnMBR混合液污泥平均粒径增大,滤饼层阻力、总阻力、滤饼层阻力在总阻力中的占比较未投加悬浮填料时分别降低7.8、6.5和1.3百分点,溶解性胞外聚合物(SEPS)和结合性胞外聚合物(BEPS)浓度分别降低了20.5%和29.4%,跨膜压差(TMP)线性增长速率降低,膜污染速率明显减缓。因此,投加悬浮填料可在不增加能耗的情况下改善污泥混合液特性,起到强化AnMBR处理效果和控制膜污染的作用。Abstract: The effect of suspended carriers addition on COD removal characteristics, sludge mixed liquor properties and membrane fouling in a separated anaerobic membrane bioreactor(AnMBR) were studied. The results showed when the organic load was 2.09 kg/(m3·d), the sludge load was 0.54 kg/(kg·d), the hydraulic retention time(HRT) was 48 h, and the temperature was (35±2) ℃, compared with the stage that suspended carriers was not added, the COD removal rate of the AnMBR increased from 96.6% to 97.9%, and methane yield increased by 16%. Meanwhile, the average sludge particle size of the AnMBR mixture increased, the cake resistance, total filtration resistance, the proportion of cake resistance in total resistance were reduced by 7.8%, 6.5% and 1.3%, the concentration of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (SEPS) and bound extracellular polymeric substances (BEPS) decreased by 20.5% and 29.4%, the linear growth rate of the transmembrane pressure(TMP) was reduced, and the membrane fouling cycle was slowed down significantly, after the suspended carriers was added. Without extra energy consumption, the addition of suspended carriers could improve the properties of the sludge mixture of AnMBR, also strengthen the treatment effect and control the membrane fouling.
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