摘要: 利用便携式排放测试系统(PEMS),对一艘内河船舶燃用B10餐厨废弃油脂制生物柴油(生物柴油:柴油为1:9,体积比)进行实际工况排放测试。出港和进港工况下,CO、THC、NOx和PM瞬态排放速率波动明显,巡航工况下,CO、THC和PM瞬态排放速率较稳定,NOx排放随空气流量变化而在一定范围内波动;同燃用纯柴油时气态物和颗粒物排放相比,船舶燃用B10生物柴油时,在出港、巡航和进港工况,CO排放速率下降了20.37%、24.39%和6.05%,THC下降了8.2%、8.13%和25.23%,PM下降了53.11%、22.38%和36.55%,PN下降了14.17%、18.75%和46.47%;在出港和进港工况,NOx排放速率下降了54.28%和40.39%,在巡航工况,NOx上升了10.45%;燃用2种燃油排放颗粒物均随粒径呈双峰分布,峰值粒径大致相同,燃用B10生物柴油时核态颗粒物数量下降明显。试验表明,船舶燃用B10生物柴油能有效降低气态物和颗粒物排放。Abstract: Using a portable emission test system (PEMS), a domestic river vessel fueled with B10 kitchen waste grease biodiesel (kitchen waste oil biodiesel volume fraction of 10%, diesel volume fraction of 90%) for actual operating condition test. Under the condition of outbound and inbound port, CO, THC, NOx and PM emission rates fluctuated significantly. In cruise condition, CO、THC and PM emission rates were relatively stable, and NOx emission fluctuated within a certain range with changes in air flow. Compared with the emission of gaseous and particulate matter in burning pure diesel, when the ship burning burning B10 biodiesel, the CO emission factor decreased by 20.37%, 24.39% and 6.05% in the outbound, cruise and inbound condition, THC decreased by 8.2%, 8.13% and 25.23%, PM decreased by 53.11%, 22.38% and 36.55%, PN decreased by 14.17%, 18.75% and 46.47%; in the port condition, the NOx emission factor decreased by 54.28% and 40.39%. In cruise condition, NOx increased by 10.45%. The particle matters emitted by the two fuels all showed a bimodal distribution with the particle size, and the peak particle size was nearly the same. The amount of nuclear particulate matter decreased significantly when fueling B10 biodiesel. The test proved that ships fueled with B10 biodiesel could effectively reduce emissions of gaseous and particulate matters.
Key words:
- inland river vessel /
- portable emission test system /
- biodiesel /
- gaseous matter /
- particulate matter /
- emission factor
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