摘要: 海绵城市建设是在继承我国古代先贤智慧和参考国外经验,系统总结我国雨洪管理领域长期研究和实践经验的基础上,结合我国城市水系统实际问题提出的城市发展方式,其核心是构建基于绿灰结合的现代城市雨洪控制系统,通过"渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排"综合措施,实现"治涝"与"治黑"等多重目标。低影响开发是海绵城市建设的重要指导思想,也是海绵城市核心技术体系的重要组成部分。正确认识低影响开发与海绵城市的内涵与联系,对于进一步在全国范围内落实低影响开发建设模式,科学推进海绵城市建设具有重要意义。Abstract: The core of sponge city construction is building modern urban stormwater management system with multiple measures of infiltration, detention, storage, purification, harvest, drainage, and achieving integrated objectives, including urban flood control and black and odorous water treatment. It's on the basis of inheriting the ancient wisdom, referencing the experience of the developed countries, summarizing the experience of long term research and practice of stormwater management in China. Low impact development is the critical guiding philosophy of sponge city and the components of sponge city technical system. The correct knowledge of the connotation and relations between low impact development and sponge city is significant for implementing low impact development model and promoting sponge city construction nationwide.
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