摘要: 目前我国关于城市雨水径流污染的研究大多集中于SS、COD、TN、TP、重金属、难降解有机物等污染物,而对于雨水径流热污染问题尚缺乏系统研究。城市雨水径流热污染不仅会导致水体溶解氧浓度降低,还会危及冷水性鱼类等水生生物的生存,进而破坏整个水生态系统的平衡。通过综述国内外城市雨水径流热污染研究进展,系统分析了城市雨水径流热污染来源及主要影响因素、城市雨水径流热污染机理和冲刷规律、城市雨水径流热污染负荷评估模型及方法比较、城市雨水径流热污染控制对策等,并提出了我国今后在雨水径流热污染方面的发展方向,以期为城市雨水径流热污染控制和土地可持续开发提供科学依据。Abstract: At present, most researches in China on urban stormwater runoff pollution focus on SS, COD, TN, TP, heavy metals, refractory organics, etc., but there are little systematic researches on the problem of stormwater runoff thermal pollution. Urban stormwater runoff thermal pollution will not only reduce the dissolved oxygen of watershed, but also endanger the survival of aquatic organisms such as cold-water fish, thereby destroy the balance of the entire aquatic ecosystem. By reviewing the research advances of urban stormwater runoff thermal pollution, many aspects were systematically analyzed including sources and main influencing factors of urban stormwater runoff thermal pollution, thermal pollution mechanism and erosion rule of urban stormwater runoff, comparison of the models and methods for urban stormwater runoff thermal pollution load assessment, control measures for urban rainwater runoff thermal pollution. The development direction of research on stormwater runoff thermal pollution in China was proposed, and a scientific basis for the control of urban stormwater runoff thermal pollution and sustainable land development was provided.
Key words:
- thermal pollution /
- stormwater runoff /
- thermal load assessment /
- control strategy
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