摘要: 在城市化地区,雨水径流往往携带大量不透水下垫面富集的热量汇入受纳水体,从而对其造成热污染。目前,针对雨水径流热污染危害的研究及其控制标准和技术手段等方面均存在缺失。阐述了雨水径流热污染产生的原因及其对水生生物和水体环境的影响,对评价热污染负荷的常用参数、控制径流热污染的政策标准和技术手段等进行了分析,提出了雨水设施、项目或片区径流热污染负荷削减控制的量化计算方法,对目前我国常用雨水源头减排设施对径流热污染的控制效能进行了适用性分析,并结合我国实情给出了雨水径流热污染防治的对策和建议。Abstract: In urbanized areas, stormwater runoff carries heat enriched in the impervious surface and is discharged into the receiving water body, causing thermal pollution. While we are now in shortage of research on the harm of thermal pollution form stormwater runoff, and the controlling standards and technical measures. The causes of thermal pollution from stormwater runoff, and its impact on aquatic organisms and the water environment were elaborated. The common parameters for evaluating thermal pollution load, policy standards and technical measures for controlling thermal pollution of stormwater runoff were analyzed. A quantitative calculation method for thermal pollution load reduction in stormwater facilities, projects or catchment areas was proposed. The applicability analysis of the control efficiency of thermal pollution by current green stormwater source reduction facilities in China was carried out. The countermeasures and suggestions for the prevention and control of thermal pollution load of stormwater runoff were also proposed based on the actual situation in China.
Key words:
- stormwater runoff /
- runoff temperature /
- thermal pollution /
- urban stormwater management
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