摘要: 随着城市化快速发展和城市人口急剧增加,城市需水量急剧增加,导致许多城市地下水被过量开采。与此同时,随着城市建设用地的增加,不透水面积比例逐年升高,阻断了雨水下渗通道,导致地下水补给量逐年减小。地下水资源的过量开采引起了地面不均匀沉降、地下水污染、海水入侵等一系列问题。针对上述问题,以某市为例,从水量、水质、工程可靠性等方面比较了人工调水回灌与海绵城市促渗补给地下水方案的综合效益。结果表明:人工调水方案地下水补给量约为779万m3/年,海绵城市建设方案地下水补给量为339万m3/年,2种方案补给水水质中污染物种类相似,但雨水径流污染物浓度波动较大。因此,人工调水具有补水量易于控制、水质相对稳定,但调水水量受可利用水源的制约。海绵城市建设在保证地下水补给效果的同时,还具有雨水径流污染控制、洪涝缓解等多重效益,综合效益相对较高,且更符合城市可持续发展的理念。Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization and the rapid increase of urban population, urban water demand has increased markedly, resulting in excessive exploitation of groundwater in many cities. At the same time, with the increase of urban construction area, the proportion of impervious area has increased year by year, blocking the paths of rainwater seepage, resulting in the reduction of groundwater recharge volume. Excessive exploitation of groundwater resources has caused a series of problems such as uneven ground settlement, groundwater pollution, and seawater intrusion. In view of the above problems, taking a city in China as an example, the comprehensive benefits of artificial water diversion and sponge city to promote recharge of groundwater were compared in terms of water quantity, water quality and engineering reliability. The results showed that the groundwater recharge of the artificial water diversion was about 7.79×106 m3/a, and the groundwater recharge of the sponge city construction was 3.39×106 m3/a. The pollutants of the two methods were similar, but there existed large great fluctuation of the concentration of rainwater runoff pollutants. Therefore, artificial water diversion had the advantages of easy control of water quantity and relatively stable water quality, but the water volume was limited by the available water sources. While ensuring the effect of groundwater recharge, sponge city construction also had multiple benefits such as rainwater runoff pollution control and flood mitigation. The comprehensive benefits were relatively high, and it's more in line with the concept of sustainable urban development.
Key words:
- artificial water diversion /
- sponge city /
- groundwater recharge /
- rainwater runoff
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