基于综合流域排水系统模型(Infoworks ICM),将海绵城市、排水管网系统及城市河网、排涝泵站系统相互耦合,形成了全过程内涝防治系统模型。此耦合模型将内涝产生的源头、过程、末端三个阶段进行耦合评估,弥补了传统内涝防治措施中单一模拟管网或雨水控制系统的不足之处。分别通过模拟现状、完善管网系统、增加雨水控制设施、完善排涝泵站系统4种情景,分析了建立全过程内涝防治系统的优势。模拟结果表明,3种耦合措施在现状系统基础上对城市内涝均有不同程度的缓解,管道排水能力逐步增强,内涝风险区面积分别降低了13.5%、39.4%和86.9%。研究结果表明,单一内涝防治措施不能从根本上解决内涝风险,建立完整的全过程内涝防治体系在实践层面至关重要。
In this paper, based on the integrated river drainage system model, Infoworks ICM, by coupling sponge cities, urban drainage pipe network, river, drainage pumping station system, the whole process of waterlogging prevention and control system model was established, which conducted coupling evaluation of three processes of waterlogging, including source, process and end. It made up the deficiency of single simulated pipe network or sponge system in traditional waterlogging control measures. The advantages of establishing waterlogging prevention and control system in the whole process were analyzed by simulating the current situation, expanding and perfecting pipeline network system, building low-impact development system and perfecting drainage pumping station system, separately. The simulation results indicated that the coupling effect of the three measures was enhanced to varying degrees on the basis of the present situation. The drainage capacity of pipelines increased gradually, and the area of waterlogging risk decreased by 13.5%, 39.4% and 86.9% through the three measures, respectively. In addition, the waterlogging risk couldn't be throughly solved by one single waterlogging control measure. Therefore, it's effective and ungent to establish a complete waterlogging control system in the whole process.