摘要: 以青岛市海绵城市典型项目区为研究区,通过收集、整理和概化汇水区资料,构建了研究区降雨径流模型——SWMM模型。利用2018年雨季的降雨-径流实时监测数据,进行了模型关键参数的率定和模型验证,研究了海绵城市建设在削减径流量、增加入渗与滞蓄雨量方面的定量效果。结果显示:海绵改造后,不同降雨强度下形成径流的雨量占总雨量的平均比例由56%下降至29%;下渗雨水的平均比例由40%增加至60%,滞蓄深度由0.63 mm增加至5 mm。海绵改造前后研究区场降雨径流总量控制率变化显著,当以1~10年一遇的短历时(120 min)设计降雨作为模型边界条件进行模拟时,海绵化改造后场次降雨径流总量控制率提高了26%~34%,认为研究区基本达到了海绵城市关于水量控制的建设要求。Abstract: In this study, we took a typical sponge city project in Qingdao area as the study case, and constructed a SWMM model through collecting, sorting, and generalizing the watershed data. Actual rainfall-runoff monitoring data in rainy season of 2018 was employed for calibration and validation of the model. The results revealed that the construction of sponge city endowed the study area with reduced runoff, and increased infiltration and stagnant capabilities. The results showed that the proportion of rainfall to form runoff decreased from 56% to 29% and the proportion of rainfall to infiltrate increased from 40% to 60%. The depth of detention storage increased from 0.63 mm to 5 mm. The construction target of the study area was to control the total annual runoff at 75%, and the corresponding design rainfall was 27.4 mm. The runoff capture ratio of single event in the research area before and after sponge reconstruction changed significantly. When the short-term (120 min) design rainfall with return period from 1~10 years was used as the model boundary condition for simulation, the runoff capture ratio after sponge reconstruction increased by 26%~34%. It was considered that the study area had basically reached the sponge city construction requirements on rainfall runoff control.
Key words:
- sponge city /
- monitor /
- SWMM /
- runoff control /
- scenario analysis
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