摘要: 历史文化区由于建设年代久远,早期排水系统不完善,后期工程改造限制较多,在降雨事件中时常面临积水和内涝问题。在国家大力推行海绵城市建设的大背景下,如何针对历史文化区的特征进行降雨径流管理是决策管理者及技术专家要解决的问题。以清华大学早期建筑大礼堂周边区域为研究对象,基于对其历史文化景观格局和场地自然现状的解析,筛选了4种基于自然功能的LID-BMPs (蓄水池、雨水花园、透水铺装和植草沟)设施,并设计了这些类型LID-BMPs设施的空间布置方案。随后采用SUSTAIN模型进行LID-BMPs方案的水量水质控制效果及成本效益分析。结果表明:LID-BMPs方案能够在设计降雨条件下中满足区域降雨径流控制目标,并且在典型年中实现径流量和污染负荷的显著削减。Abstract: Due to inadequate construction of drainage systems in the past and strict reconstruction limitation at present, historical cultural reservation sites were prone to flooding in a heavy storm. Under the background of sponge city constuction promotion in China, the scientific rain water runoff management for the historical reservation sites turned out to be a key subject for the authority and the specialists. In this paper, historical auditorium surrounding area in Tsinghua University was selected as the case site. Aiming at sponge campus construction, we studied the natural based stormwater management schemes after the detail analysis of site present situation. We selected, designed and built four types of LID-BMPs (i.e., cistern, bioretention basin, porous pavement and swale) schemes in the area. Then, we used SUSTAIN model to evaluate the LID-BMPs' performance in water quantity-quality control and cost-profit balance. Results showed that the LID-BMPs system was able to meet the runoff control target in a designed storm and showed significant reduction in flow volume and pollutant load throughout a typical year.
Key words:
- historical site /
- LID-BMPs /
- sponge city /
- stormwater control /
- SUSTAIN model
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