摘要: 针对传统的曝气-生态浮岛技术搅动水体剧烈,破坏微生物挂膜与根际圈稳定,影响污染水体氮、磷的去除效果等问题,构建了新型微纳米曝气-生态浮岛,在实验室通过微纳米级橡胶曝气管产生微纳米级气泡来提高氮、磷的去除效果。结果表明:新型浮岛在20 d内曝气组的NH4+-N去除率为99.8%,TP去除率为93.03%,NO3--N去除率为78%,使GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》劣Ⅴ类水经过处理后可达到Ⅲ类排放标准,水体的弱酸性也可改良至中性。实验证明,微纳米曝气-生态浮岛联合技术能够在短期内有效提升水体的溶解氧含量,且对水体的搅动程度小,有助于提高生物填料挂膜的稳定性,氮、磷去除效果明显高于传统生态浮岛。该成果可为微纳米曝气-生态浮岛联合技术的推广应用提供技术依据。Abstract: In traditional aerated ecological floating wetland, the water body was usually stirred vigorously, and the microbial membrane and the rhizosphere were not stabilized, thus, the nitrogen and phosphorus removal effects of the polluted water were affected. Therefore, a new micro-nano aeration-eco-float wetland was constructed in this paper. The chamber generated micro-nano bubbles through a micro-nano rubber aeration tube to improve the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. The results showed that the removal rate of NH4+-N in the aerated group was 99.8% in 20 days; the removal rate of TP was 93.03%; the removal rate of NO3--N was 78%, so that the water with inferior Ⅴ quality could be treated to meet Class III emission standards, and the weak acidic water could also be modified into neutral. The experiment proved that the micro-nano aeration-eco-floating island combined technology could effectively improve the dissolved oxygen content of the water body in short term, and reduce stirring to a weak level to the water body, which helped to improve the stability of the bio-filler membrane, and the removal effect of nitrogen and phosphorus was higher than the traditional ecological floating wetland obviously. This experiment provided a technical basis for the promotion and application of micro-nano aeration-ecological floating wetland joint technology.
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