摘要: 分不同水期调查研究了陕西省不同地区32家城镇污水处理厂出厂污泥中总氮、总磷、总钾、有机质以及Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn、As 6种重金属元素的含量特征。结果表明:1)陕西省城镇污泥中氮、磷养分及有机物含量较为丰富,但总钾含量不高;污泥总养分含量大体呈现枯水期>平水期>丰水期的分布特征,其中总氮与有机物含量受水期的影响极显著(PJ-T<0.001),而总磷和总钾含量受水期的影响并不显著(PJ-T>0.05)。2)陕西省城镇污泥中重金属含量呈对数正态分布,6种重金属元素含量顺序为Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Ni>As;不同水期污泥重金属含量不存在显著性差异(PANOVA>0.05)。3)总体而言,陕西省城镇污泥具有较高的农用价值,且重金属含量处于相对较低的水平,较适合施用于林地、牧草地和不种植食用农作物的耕地,以及用于中碱性土质的土地改良,同时需特别注意,As含量必须控制在标准限值以内。Abstract: The content characteristics of TN, TP, TK and OM, as well as 6 kinds of heavy metals including Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As in the sludge of 32 urban sewage treatment plants in different areas of Shaanxi province were investigated in different water periods. The results indicated that:1) The contents of N, P nutrients and OM in urban sludge in Shaanxi province were abundant, but TK content was not high. The distribution characteristics of the total nutrient content of sludge generally showed the sequence of low water period>flat water period>abundant water period, in which TN and OM contents were very significantly affected by the water period (PJ-T<0.001), while TP and TK contents were not significantly affected by the water period (PJ-T>0.05). 2) The distribution of heavy metal contents in urban sludge of Shaanxi province showed log-normal. The contents sequence of 6 kinds of heavy metals were Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Ni>As. There was no significant difference in heavy metals contents of sludge in different water periods (PANOVA>0.05). 3) The urban sludge in Shaanxi province had a high agricultural value and the heavy metal contents in urban sludge in Shaanxi province were generally at a relatively lower level; the sludge was suitable for application in forest land, pasture grassland and cultivated land without growing edible crops; land modification for medium alkaline soil. Meanwhile, special attention should be paid to As content in the sludge.
Key words:
- urban sludge /
- sludge nutrient /
- heavy metal /
- water period characteristics
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