摘要: 采用CFD数值模拟方法对4种边界条件下组合袋式除尘器内的气流分布规律进行了研究,获取了在高负压、高入口风速条件下,导流板的设置与否及进出风口的相对角度对除尘器内部气流分布的影响规律。结果表明:滤袋下部设置导流板不仅可避免活性炭颗粒冲击滤袋,也进一步提升了滤袋的过滤性能;进风口与出风口相对角度为90°时,该除尘器的过滤效果较优;进风口处的入口射流效应使得靠近除尘器边缘处滤袋的过滤效果优于远离除尘器边缘处的效果。以上研究结果可为进一步优化组合袋式除尘器结构提供参考。Abstract: In this paper, in order to obtain the law of the influence of relative position of the baffles and the inlet and outlet on the air flow distribution in the bag filter, under the condition of higher negative pressure and higher inlet wind speed, the air flow distribution in the composite bag filter under four different boundary conditions were studied through the CFD numerical simulation method. The results were as the follows: the overall uniformity of flue gas treatment capacity was better when the relative position of air inlet and air outlet was 90°; the guide plate arranged at the lower part of the filter bag, which could not only avoid the impact of activated carbon particles on the filter bag, but also make the overall distribution of the flue gas treatment capacity of the filter bag more uniformed; the closer the filter bag was to the edge of the precipitator, the greater the flue gas treatment capacity was because of the inlet jet effect. This research provided a reference for further optimizing the structure of composite bag filters.
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