摘要: 为探究城市主干道植被滞尘对环境污染的磁学响应,采集宝鸡市道路两侧不同类型植被叶子进行系统的环境磁学测试。结果表明:街道两侧植被叶子主要为低矫顽力的多畴磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,同时含有高矫顽力赤铁矿。城市道路叶子磁性矿物浓度高于校园清洁区,载磁矿物粒径集中在0.1~5 μm,其中离交通线较远的草本粒径相对较细,为0.1~1 μm。同一高度不同时间(5月和11月)植被记录的环境污染存在差异,距地表0.05 m草本和4 m处乔木的叶子5月记录的污染较11月严重,而0.25 m和1 m处的灌木11月污染较重。城市主干道空间分布呈现两个污染峰值区,分别为包含姜谭路与宝福路的A区和东风路所在B区,这与繁忙的交通和区域内分布的重工业企业有关。Abstract: In order to explore the magnetic response of environmental pollution about dust-loaded leaves on main road in Baoji city, different types of leaves on both sides of streets were collected for systematic environmental magnetic tests. The results showed that the concentration of magnetic minerals on street leaves were higher than that in the campus and the main magnetic minerals were multi-domain magnetite and maghemite. The diameter of magnetic mineral was concentrated in 0.1~5 μm, among which the herbaceous far from the traffic lines had a relatively fineer particle size of 0.1~1 μm. Environmental pollution recorded by vegetation leaves at the same height and at different times (May and November) was different. Pollution recorded by herbaceous at 0.05 m height and trees leaves at 4 m height was more serious in May than in November, while that of the leaves of shrubs at 0.25 m and 1 m was worse in November. The spatial distribution of urban main roads presented two pollution peak areas, the zone A including Jiangtan road and Baofu road, and the zone B where Dongfeng road was located in, which are related to heavy traffic and heavy industrial enterprises.
Key words:
- Baoji City /
- vegetation /
- magnetic properties /
- environmental pollution /
- spatial distribution
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