摘要: 随着污水处理厂污泥产量急剧增长,污泥资源化利用至关重要,将污泥制备成泡沫保温材料,可满足我国可持续发展战略的需求。主要研究了发泡剂和稳泡剂复配比对发泡倍数及泡沫半衰期影响,优选出最佳发泡材料OP及纤维素醚的配比分别为0.6%和0.3%。在此基础上,通过正交实验研究污泥添加比、水泥添加比和水料比对发泡保温材料性能的影响,建立综合性能指标,获得污泥基发泡保温材料性能影响因素顺序为水料比>污泥添加比>水泥添加比。当污泥添加比、水泥添加比、水料比分别为12.5%、55.5%、0.5%时,材料性能最佳,抗压强度、导热系数和密度分别为0.32 MPa、0.072 W/(m·K)和624.4 kg/m3,满足无机发泡材料抗压强度C0.3,干密度等级A07 (JG/T 266—2014《国家建筑工业行业标准》)。Abstract: With the rapid development of Chinese economy and urbanization, sludge production in sewage treatment plants rises rapidly. It is very important to properly dispose of the sludge. The preparation of sludge-based foam insulation materials can utilize the sludge to meet the needs of Chinese sustainable development strategy. The type and proportion of the foaming agent were studied to determine the optimum material compositon and proportion. On this basis, orthogonal experiments were carried out to optimized the preparation process of sludge-based foam insulation materials. The effects of sludge addition, cement addition and water-solid ratio on the properties of foaming insulation materials were studied, and the preparation process was optimized. The results showed that OP emulsifier-10 of 0.6% and cellulose ether of 0.3% were the best for foaming. Through comprehensive analysis of multiple performance indicators, it was concluded that the order of the influencing factors of sludge-based foaming insulation material preparation was water-solid ratio>sludge addition>cement addition. The optimum ratio of raw materials was sludge of 12.5%, cement of 55.5%, water-solid ratio of 0.5. Under this optimum ratio, density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of the prepared insulation materials were 624.4 kg/m3, 0.32 MPa and 0.072 W/(m·K), respectively, which met the requirements of national standard for density A07, compressive strength C0.3 for inorganic foaming materials (JG/T 266—2014).
Key words:
- foam insulation material /
- sludge /
- recycling /
- orthogonal experiment
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