摘要: 吸附法是当前VOCs处理的基础方法,对不同特征的VOCs排放,吸附剂的特征选择也不尽相同。为进一步对特征匹配吸附的应用提供指导,通过文献调研和现场调查,收集了国内部分重点VOCs排放行业源排放数据,在通用的VOCs化学种类分析的基础上,进一步引入VOCs分子特征和性质分析,尝试对重点VOCs排放行业的VOCs 排放特征进行更加完备的系统分析和统计,明确各重点行业的VOCs排放统计特性,为其针对性吸附治理提供更加全面的指导。依据行业门类VOCs排放的综合特征分析,可为VOCs 废气控制技术的选择、评价和开发提供参考。Abstract: Adsorption method is one of the basic methods for VOCs emission treatment. For VOCs emitted with different characteristics, the selection of adsorbent characteristics is also different. In order to provide further guidance for the feature matching promoted adsorption, a novel VOCs analysis method based on the detailed molecular characteristics was introduced in this paper. Through literature survey and field investigation, the VOCs emission data of some key VOCs source industries were collected. Combining the general chemical species and molecular characteristics analysis method, we tried to give a more complete analysis and statistics system to figure out the detailed VOCs emission characteristics of key VOCs emission industries. The statistical properties of VOCs emission could give more effective guidance for the targeted adsorption treatment in the key industries. This comprehensive analysis of VOCs emission characteristic in the key industries would provide an important reference for the selection, evaluation and development of the VOCs emission control technologies.
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