摘要: 针对现有透水砖在性能和工艺方面存在的问题,以铅锌尾矿为主要原料的新型玻璃透水砖进行了研究。采用二次烧结法,先将铅锌尾矿等原料熔制成基础玻璃,再将基础玻璃在不同温度和不同荷载条件下进行烧结,得到玻璃透水砖试样,并对试样的抗压强度、抗折强度、透水系数进行测试分析,结果表明:当烧结温度为680 ℃、荷载为0.82 kN/m2时,试样各项性能较为理想。此时试样的抗压强度为1.90 MPa,抗折强度为2.60 MPa,透水系数为0.6 cm/s。采用热压烧结法可以制备出具有良好透水性能和力学性能的铅锌尾矿基础玻璃透水砖,为铅锌尾矿综合利用提供了1条有效途径,具有较好的应用前景。Abstract: In this study, we aimed to find solutions for problems existed in the current permeable bricks properties and manufacturing technology. We evaluated the function of a new type of glass permeable bricks mainly composed of lead-zinc tailings. By secondary sintering, lead-zinc tailings and other raw materials were firstly melted into the basic glass, and then the basic glass was sintered at different temperatures and under different pressing loads, to obtain glass permeable brick samples. The compression strength, rupture strength and permeability coefficient of the samples were tested and analyzed. The results showed that when the sintering temperature was 680 ℃ and the pressing load was 0.82 kN/m2, the function evaluation results of the samples was most satisfactory. And then, the compression strength was 1.90 MPa, the rupture strength was 2.60 MPa, and the permeability coefficient was 0.6 cm/s. In conclusion, the glass permeable brick made from lead-zinc tailings could possess good water permeability and mechanical properties, which provided an effective way for comprehensive utilization of lead-zinc tailings and showed good application prospect.
Key words:
- glass permeable brick /
- lead-zinc tailings /
- hot pressing
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