摘要: 综述了专家系统在污水处理领域的结构和特点、针对的工艺以及应用现状方面取得的研究成果。重点介绍了专家系统中知识的获取和表示、规则的建立以及与故障树和其他人工智能技术的结合情况,并对专家系统在污水处理工艺选择、运行控制以及故障诊断3个阶段的研究现状进行了细致分析。在此基础上,提出了尚需解决的问题以及进一步研究与发展的方向。Abstract: The structure and characteristics of expert system in the field of wastewater treatment, the technology and the research achievements in the application of expert system were reviewed. The acquisition and representation of knowledge, the establishment of rules and the combination with fault tree and other artificial intelligence technologies in the expert system were emphatically introduced, and the research status of the expert system in the three different stages including wastewater treatment process selection, operation control and fault diagnosis was analyzed in detail. On this basis, the problems to be solved and the direction of further research and development were put forward.
Key words:
- expert system /
- wastewater treatment /
- artificial intelligence /
- optimal operation /
- fault tree analysis
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