摘要: 将曝气搅拌一体式自吸式曝气搅拌装置应用于自热式高温好氧消化(45~65 ℃)系统,并与传统曝气搅拌分离式的盘式涡轮搅拌装置进行对比,系统考察了2种曝气搅拌装置的供氧性能与经济可行性。结果表明:自吸式曝气搅拌装置适用于搅拌速度为500~1100 r/min,过低或过高的搅拌速度都会影响系统的供氧能力;当搅拌速度为900 r/min,曝气量为0.5 L/min(通气率)时,盘式涡轮搅拌装置的KLα值为108.01 h-1,低于同条件下的自吸式曝气搅拌装置。盘式涡轮搅拌装置在相同曝气条件下,50 ℃时的KLα值高于30 ℃时。在1000 r/min转速下,为实现相同的KLα值,自吸式曝气搅拌装置的电能消耗约为盘式涡轮搅拌装置的1/3。Abstract: Gas-inducing agitator system and disk turbine agitator system were applied to autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion system; this study compared the oxygen supply performance and economic feasibility of these two agitator systems. The research showed that the gas-inducing agitator system was suitable for a stirring rate of 500~1100 r/min, a lower or higher stirring rate would affect the oxygen supply performance; with a stirring rate of 900 r/min and air flowrate of 0.5 L/min (by volume), the KLα value of the disk turbine agitator system was 108.01 h-1, lower than that of gas-inducing agitator system of 124.52 h-1; disk turbine agitator system under the same stirring rate and air flowrate, KLα value at 50 ℃ was greater than that of 30 ℃. To achieve the same KLα value under 1000 r/min, the power consumption of the gas-inducing agitator system was about 1/3 of that of the disk turbine agitator system.
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