摘要: 应用1套改良型水质综合指数法对3种不同类型的饮用水水质进行评价。将选取的26项检测指标按照卫生学意义分为5大类,并对各分类指标赋权。选用内梅罗法和最差因子判别法与五色等级分级法结合对2017年4—8月的3种类型饮用水进行水质评价。除7月和8月的管网水水质为2级(水质综合指数>0.5,蓝色)以外,其余月份的出水水质均达到1级(绿色)评价标准。不同类型饮用水中对水质综合指数影响最大的水质分类指标均是有机污染指标。2种不同类型的净水机出水水质均优于管网末梢水,但需注意个别指标的污染。Abstract: To apply an improved integrated index method to evaluate the quality of three types of drinking water, the selected 26 indicators were classified into five categories according to various hygienic significances. And an appropriate weight was given to each category. Nemerow, minimum operator and five-color classification method were combined to evaluate the overall quality of the three types of drinking water from April to August in 2017. Except tap water in July and August, the quality index was at Level 2 (>0.5, blue), while other water all reached Level 1 (green). The organic pollution indicator was the most important impact of integrated index in different types of drinking water. Furthermore, the quality of two different water purifiers were better than the tap water, but some indicators require special attention.
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