摘要: 以江西省11个中营养型湖泊和7个轻度富营养型湖泊为研究对象,利用皮尔逊相关性分析法和主成分分析法,对2类湖泊底泥沉积物磷赋存形态、特征、磷形态及其来源的差异性等方面进行了研究。结果表明:在磷赋存形态的分析中,2类湖泊中各种磷赋存形态的平均含量顺序均为TP > IP > Fe/Al-P > Ca-P > OP,且平均含量均为中营养型<轻度富营养型。IP、Fe/Al-P、Ca-P、OP占TP含量的平均重量比:中营养型依次为75.08%、54.22%、27.89%、20.64%;轻度富营养型依次为72.85%、56.02%、27.31%、26.76%;磷形态的主要来源是IP,以OP为辅,而IP中主要以Fe/Al-P为主;相关性分析表明,2类湖泊中TP-IP和TP-Fe/Al-P均在α=0.05时显著相关。中营养型中IP-Fe/Al-P在α=0.10时相关,轻度富营型中IP-Fe/Al-P在α=0.05时显著相关;主成分分析得出,中营养型湖泊第1类影响因子为Fe/Al-P和OP,第2类影响因子为IP和Ca-P;轻度富营养型湖泊中影响因子为Fe/Al-P、OP和Ca-P;2类湖泊底泥沉积物磷形态特征的差异性主要取决于Fe/Al-P,中营养型湖泊沉积物磷赋存特征的差异性主要是由不稳态磷或生物可利用磷决定,而轻度富营养型湖泊是由TP决定。Abstract: Taking 11 moderately-eutrophic lakes and 7 lightly-eutrophic lakes in Jiangxi Province as the research objects, Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to study the phosphorus occurrence forms, characteristics, forms and sources of sediments from the two types of lakes. The results showed that in the analysis of phosphorus forms, the average content of all forms of phosphorus in the two types of lakes was in the sequence of TP>IP>Fe/Al-P>Ca-P>OP, and the average content of the moderately-eutrophic lakes was lower than the lightly-eutrophic lakes. IP, Fe/Al-P, Ca-P, OP accounted for the average weight ratio of TP of the moderately-eutrophic lakes was 75.08%, 54.22%, 27.89%, 20.64% and for the lightly-eutrophic lakes was 72.85%, 56.02% 27.31%, 26.76%. The main source of phosphorus form was IP, supplemented by OP, while IP was mainly dominated by Fe/Al-P. Correlation analysis showed that TP-IP and TP-Fe/Al-P in both types of lakes were significantly correlated at α=0.05. In the moderately-eutrophic lakes, IP-Fe/Al-P was correlated at α=0.10, and IP-Fe/Al-P in the lightly-eutrophic lakes were significantly correlated at α=0.05; principal component analysis showed that the dominating type of influencing factors of the moderately-eutrophic lakes were Fe/Al-P and OP, and the secondary type of impact factors were IP and Ca-P, and the influencing factors of the lightly-eutrophic lakes were Fe/Al-P, OP and Ca-P; the difference in phosphorus morphological characteristics of sediments in two types of lakes mainly depended on Fe/Al-P. The difference in phosphorus occurrence characteristics of sediments in the moderately-eutrophic lakes was mainly determined by unsteady phosphorus or bioavailable phosphorus. The lightly-eutrophic lakes was determined by TP. This study could provide a reference for the study of phosphorus occurrence patterns in sediments of lakes with different eutrophication types.
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