摘要: 研究了不同水深条件(5,10,15,20,25 cm)下芦苇湿地对伊通河水中氮、磷的净化能力。结果表明:浅水位条件有利于NH4+-N的硝化作用及挥发作用。水深为5 cm时TN和NH4+-N的去除效果最好,10 cm时NO3--N的去除效果最好,水深25 cm时TN和NH4+-N的去除率明显降低。NH4+-N的吸附和转化作用对TN的衰减起着主导作用。磷的去除率与水深的相关性较小,表明磷的去除主要是化学转化与吸附作用。根据湿地水深对污染物去除的影响,研究设计了1种可自动调节深度的浮动湿地。通过浮动湿地的净化,使研究区河水中TN、NH4+-N和TP浓度大幅降低,水质得到明显改善。Abstract: The removal efficiency of reed wetland under different water depth conditions (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm) to nitrogen and phosphorus in Yitong River was studied. The results showed that shallow water was conducive to the nitrification and volatilization of NH4+-N. The removal efficiency of TN and NH4+-N was much higher when water depth was 5 cm, and that of NO3--N was much better when water depth was 10 cm. However, the removal efficiency of TN and NH4+-N was significantly reduced when water depth was 25 cm. The adsorption and transformation of NH4+-N played a dominant role in the attenuation of TN. The correlation between phosphorus removal rate and water depth was relatively lower, indicating that phosphorus removal was mainly through chemical transformation and adsorption. According to the influence of water depth on pollutant removal in wetlands, a floating wetland with automatic depth adjustment was designed. The concentrations of TN, NH4+-N and TP in the river in the study area were obviously reduced by the floating wetlands, thus the water quality was improved.
Key words:
- wetland /
- reed /
- water depth /
- nitrogen /
- phosphorus /
- removal
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