摘要: 对比研究贯通式、闭端式2种膜组件形式的膜曝气生物膜反应器(MABR)对高氨氮模拟废水的处理性能。结果表明:MABR在8 d内实现菌液快速挂膜,且贯通式MABR的生物附着量、脱氮效率均高于闭端式。贯通式MABR对高氨氮废水中NH4+-N、TN、COD的去除率均比闭端式高出20%左右,具有更好的脱氮除碳效果。高通量测序分析显示,贯通式MABR于挂膜阶段实现了HN-AD菌快速富集,并在处理高氨氮废水过程中仍保持其较高丰度(不动杆菌属Acinetobacter占22.1%、假单胞菌属Pseudomonas占43.2%),但闭端式MABR未优势富集HN-AD菌。贯通式MABR相比闭端式MABR具有更高DO条件促进HN-AD菌富集,从而强化了对高氨氮废水的处理效果。Abstract: This study compared the performance of open-ended MABR and closed-ended MABR for high ammonium (NH4+-N) synthetic wastewater treatment. The results demonstrated that the two MABRs rapidly formed biofilm in 8 days,but in the open-ended MABR, biofilm content and nitrogen removal efficiencies were higher than those of the closed-ended one. The average removal efficiencies of NH4+-N, TN and COD in open-ended MABR for high ammonium synthetic wastewater treatment were all nearly 20% higher than those in closed-ended one, indicating a better nitrogen and COD removal performance. The high-throughput sequencing analysis revealed that rapid enrichment of HN-AD bacteria was achieved during the biofilm formation, and high abundances of HN-AD bacteria (22.1% of Acinetobacter, 43.2% of Pseudomonas) were kept during the stabilization of the open-ended MABR; but closed-ended MABR didn't achieve HN-AD bacteria enrichment. A higher DO condition provided by open-ended MABR promoted greater abundance of HN-AD bacteria than the close-ended one, to enhanced the treatment of high ammonium wastewater.
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