摘要: 钢铁焦化厂可凝结颗粒物(CPM)对大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)的贡献不容忽视,然而目前关于焦化厂CPM排放特征的认识仍很不清楚。采用稀释间接法对焦化厂烟气中CPM的排放进行了测试,对其在脱硫入口和总排放口的浓度及化学组成进行了系统分析。发现在焦化脱硫入口和总放排口CPM浓度分别为9.5,1.2 mg/m3,是可过滤细颗粒物(FPM2.5)浓度的14,4倍。CPM中占比最高的为水溶性离子,主要为Cl-和K+;其次为有机物。脱硫入口处CPM中有机组分以烯烃类、环烷烃类、烷烃类等为主,总排放口则以醇类、烯烃类、酚类等为主。采用"碳酸氢钠干法脱硫+袋式除尘器+中低温选择性催化还原脱硝"烟气净化技术路线对CPM气态前体物有一定的协同去除能力,CPM去除率为87.3%。Abstract: Condensable particulate matter (CPM) contributes considerably to the fine particles (PM2.5) emitted from coking plant in iron and steel plants. However, the emission characteristics of CPM from coking plants are still unclear. In this study, indirect dilution method was applied to collect the CPM emitted from coking plant. The concentrations and chemical compositions of CPM at the flue gas desulfurization inlet and the stack were analyzed systematically. The concentrations of CPM at the flue gas desulfurization inlet and the stack were 9.5 mg/m3 and 1.2 mg/m3, respectively, which were 14 times and 4 times of fine filterable particulate matter (FPM2.5), respectively. The most dominant constituents in CPM at the flue gas desulfurization inlet and the stack were water-soluble ions of Cl- and K+, and then organic components. The organic constituents in CPM were mainly alkenes, cyclanes, alkanes at the flue gas desulfurization inlet and alcohols, alkenes, phenols at the stack. The comined process, dry desulfurization with sodium bicarbonate-fabric filter-selective catalytic reduction under medium and low temperature could remove a certain amount of condensable gaseous pollutants synergistically, with a removal rate for CPM of 87.3%.
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