摘要: 柴油机排放污染物控制是全球应对大气环境恶化问题的重要解决方案之一。美国加利福尼亚州在2019年率先发布了针对超低排放要求的白皮书,建议将重型柴油机的NOx排放继续降低90%,即最低达到0.027 g/(kW·h)。针对未来超低排放法规的技术要求,全球相关机构开展了大量的研发和试验工作,有效推动了排放控制技术的升级。从发动机后处理零部件的角度,总结了国内外相关文献及研究成果,提出发动机和后处理技术需联动升级,在加强发动机热管理的同时,降低原机NOx排放。重点介绍了潜在的后处理技术解决方案,如NOx吸附脱附技术和紧耦合SCR技术等控制低温NOx排放的关键技术,灰分管理和PN控制相关的DPF控制技术,以及电加热催化器和燃烧器等可能应用于后处理系统的热管理技术,并对相关技术的优劣势进行了分析。Abstract: Emission control of heavy-duty (HD) diesel engines is one of the focuses to reduce the air pollution. California Air Resources Board (CARB) had taken the action on issuing a white paper to further limit the emission of heavy-duty vehicles, which especially suggested reducing the NOx emission to maximum 90% based on EPA2010 legislation (0.027 g/(kW·h)). To satisfy the ultra-low emission requirements, global related research institutes carried on a lot of tasks to explore the potential pathway for the future heavy duty after-treatment solutions. To some extent, these actions purged the upgradation of emission legislation around the world, including Europe and China. This paper reviewed the current status of HD diesel engine emission control and available approaches for future emission control obtained from published materials and author's study from the point of aftertreatment component. Thermal management and emission control system should be considered together during the engine design. The paper compared different solutions such as passive NOx absorber(PNA)/close-coupled SCR(cc-SCR)/SCR on Filter(SCRF) in NOx control, ash management and PN emission in DPF control, electrical heated catalyst (EHC)/diesel burner in aftertreatment temperature control.
Key words:
- heavy-duty diesel engine /
- emission legislation /
- aftertreatment system /
- particulate matter /
- NOx
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