摘要: 为探究博斯腾湖流域生态环境综合状况,基于2000—2018年博斯腾湖大小湖的水质、水量、生物数据,利用模糊综合评价法评估了该流域的水系现状,分析了博斯腾湖大小湖与开都河的水量状况,并初步提出了水系的优化调控方法。研究结果表明:2000—2018年开都河径流量、博斯腾湖大小湖水位总体上呈现先减小后增大的趋势,2014年后,博斯腾湖流域的水量开始盈余;博斯腾湖流域水系生态需水保障程度整体较差,呈现先恶化后逐渐恢复的趋势。针对博斯腾湖水系连通现状,提出了增加路径、原位加强、节点调控3种博斯腾湖水系网络的基本调控方式,通过水量调控可以满足博斯腾湖大小湖生态需水,增加孔雀河生态输水。3种调控方式的有机结合可为改善博斯腾湖水质,满足孔雀河下游的工农业和生活用水提供更好保障。Abstract: In order to explore the comprehensive ecological environment of Bosten Lake basin, based on the water quality and water quantity biological data of Bosten Lake and Kaidu River of 2000—2018, this paper used fuzzy evaluation mathematical model to evaluate the current water system situation of the basin, analyzed the water quantity of Bosten Lake and Kaidu River, and preliminarily proposed the optimal control method of water system. The results showed that the water flow of the Kaidu River and the water level of the Bosten Lake in 2000—2018 showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing. After 2014, the water volume of the Bosten Lake Basin began to surplus; the degree of ecological water demand in Bosten Lake Basin was poor on the whole, showing a tendency of gradual recovery after deterioration. Aiming at the status quo of the water system connection of the Bosten Lake, the basic regulation methods of the Bosten Lake water system with increasing path, in-situ strengthening and node regulation were proposed. The water demand regulation could meet the ecological water demand of the Bosten Lake and increase the ecological water supply of the Peacock River. The scientific combination of the three control methods provided better protection for the water quality of the Bosten Lake, and the industrial, agricultural and domestic water supply of downstream of the Peacock River.
Key words:
- Bosten Lake /
- fuzzy evaluation /
- Kaidu River /
- regulation
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