摘要: 为了评估人类超采地下水以及侵占河流生态需水给水资源可持续性带来的风险,将黄淮海流域作为研究区,在利用非稳态Budyko模型以及水量平衡公式的基础上,结合生态需水核算结果及各产业用水数据,选取蓝水可持续性指数BlWSI,基于蓝水消耗量(CBWU)、不可再生地下水抽取量(NRGWA)以及地表过度取水量(SWOA)对流域开展水资源可持续性评价。结果表明:表征蓝水资源可持续性的BlWSI指标在黄淮海流域存在明显的时空差异性。其中,黄河流域的水资源可持续性程度最低,海河流域次之,淮河流域可持续性程度最高。1960—2000年,黄淮海流域的水资源可持续性呈现不同程度的增加趋势。研究对提升黄淮海流域的可持续水资源管理具有一定的参考意义。Abstract: In order to assess the risk of groundwater over-exploitation and encroachment of ecological water demand of rivers on water sustainability, this study took the Huanghuaihai Basin as the research area, used the non-stationary Budyko model as well as the water balance formula, and combined the results of ecological water demand accounting and water consumption data from various sectors. The BlWSI index was chosen to evaluate the water sustainability of the Huanghuaihai Basin based on consumptive blue water use (CBWU), nonrenewable groundwater abstraction (NRGWA), and surface water over-abstraction (SWOA). The results showed that the BlWSI indicators which characterized the sustainability of blue water resources had significant spatial and temporal variability in the Huanghuaihai Basin. Among the three river basins, the Yellow River Basin has the lowest degree of water sustainability, followed by the Haihe River Basin, and the Huaihe River Basin had the highest degree of sustainability. During the period of 1960—2000, the sustainability of water resources in the Huanghuaihai Basin showed an increasing trend in different degrees. This study was an important theoretical reference for improving sustainable water resources management in the Huanghuaihai Basin.
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