摘要: 针对当前黑臭河道治理工作中出现的黑臭反复,长效性难保持问题,以某内源污染严重的重度黑臭河道为例实施原位生态修复。第1阶段采用超微气泡富氧(移动式曝气船+定点式曝气设备)和生物活化技术进行水体和底质修复,削减内源污染,改善生境;第2阶段应用定点式曝气设备、生态浮岛、水生植物净化、水生动物多样性调控进行生态修复,营造健康稳定的生态系统。经过近4个月的治理,治理区水质由重度黑臭稳定达到GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅴ类水标准,水体COD、NH3-N和TP含量分别为28.79,0.36,0.19 mg/L,去除率分别达到45%、98%和85%以上,治理后水体澄清,可见多种水生动物和沉水植物,河道底质呈现自然泥土色泽,在未进行清淤处理的情况下即达到了泥水共治的效果,水环境质量得到显著提升,实现了长效治理。Abstract: In view of the difficulties in long-term maintenance of the treatment effect of black odorous river and the problem of black and odorous repeatedly, an in-situ ecological restoration was carried out in a seriously polluted black odorous river course with severe internal pollution. In the first stage, ultrafine bubble oxygen enrichment (mobile aerator+fixed point aerator) and biological activation technology were used to restore water and sediment, reduce endogenesis pollution and improve living environment; in the second stage, the fixed point aerator, ecological floating island, purification of aquatic plants and diversity regulation of aquatic animals were applied, to restore and create a healthy and stable ecosystem. After nearly 4 months’ treatment, the water quality in the treated area stabilized from severe black odor to the surface V water standard, and the contents of COD, NH3-N and TP were 28.79, 0.36 and 0.19 mg/L, and the removal rates reached 45%, 98% and 85% respectively. After the treatment, the water was clarified and a variety of aquatic animals and submerged plants were visible. The channel sediment had a natural earthy color. The mud-water co-treatment effect was achieved without dredging treatment. The quality of the water environment was significantly improved and long-term governance aim was achieved.
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