摘要: 以伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)为研究对象,研究了不同氮、磷浓度对伪鱼腥藻生长、叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm、α、rETRmax、IK)及类胡萝卜素与叶绿素a比值等的影响,并应用Monod和Droop方程考察氮、磷营养盐对伪鱼腥藻生长动力学的影响,分别计算得到伪鱼腥藻对总磷的半饱和常数KsP,细胞内磷份额Q0与对总氮的半饱和常数KsN。结果表明:氮、磷浓度对伪鱼腥藻的生长影响极显著(P<0.01),在氮浓度为0~230.4 mg/L内,伪鱼腥藻的生物量与氮浓度呈正相关,磷浓度>1.28 mg/L会抑制伪鱼腥藻生长。氮浓度对各叶绿素荧光参数有显著影响(P<0.05),磷浓度对Fv/Fm、IK有显著影响(P<0.05),而对rETRmax、α影响不显著(P>0.05)。KsP≪KsN,伪鱼腥藻对磷具有更好的亲和性,伪鱼腥藻能够正常生长的细胞最小内磷份额Q0为0.0486 μg/mg,低于该值则藻细胞的增殖停止。类胡萝卜素与叶绿素a比值与氮、磷营养盐浓度呈负相关。Abstract: The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm、α、rETRmax、IK) and the ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll a of Pseudanabaena sp. were investigated. Moreover, the Pseudanabaena sp. growth kinetics utilizing nitrogen and phosphorus was demonstrated through Monod equation and Droop equation. The semi-saturation constants, KsP of total phosphorus, intracellular phosphorus share and the semi-saturation constants KsN of total nitrogen were calculated. The results showed that the effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth of Pseudanabaena sp. were significant(P<0.01). The chlorophyll a of Pseudanabaena sp. was positively correlated with nitrogen concentration ranging from 0 to 230.4 mg/L, and phosphorus concentration higher than 5.12 mg/L inhibited the growth of Pseudanabaena sp. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were significantly affected by different nitrogen concentrations (P<0.05). Concentrations of phosphorus had a significant effect on Fv/Fm、IK and no significant effect on rETRmax, α (P>0.05). KsP was far less than KsN, which proved that Pseudanabaena sp. had better affinity for phosphorus. The minimum share of intracellular phosphorus for Pseudanabaena sp. was 0.0486 μg/mg, under which the proliferation of algal cells will cease. The ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll a was negatively correlated with the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Key words:
- Pseudanabaena sp. /
- nitrogen /
- phosphorus /
- growth kinetics /
- chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
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