摘要: 为防止污染场地范围的扩大和污染地下水,可以采取工程措施将污染场地四周及下部进行围隔。对于围隔范围内的污染土,可以采用淋洗方法进行修复。以青岛汽轮机有限公司遗留的污染场地为例,利用Visual ModFlow模拟设计了对围隔场地污染淋洗修复的优化的注抽水井的布置及水力条件,通过对9组注抽井组合进行技术经济比较,得到最佳注抽井间距为27 m,最优注抽水量为200~300 m3,布置方式为"一注五抽",并与异位处置方案进行经济对比,表明7000 m3的污染土为2种方案的费用界限,即7000 m3以上的土方考虑淋洗修复,反之则异位处置。Abstract: In order to prevent the expansion of the contaminated sites and pollution of groundwater, engineering measures can be taken to enclose the contaminated site around and below. The contaminated soil within the enclosure can be repaired by leaching. Taking the contaminated site left by Qingdao Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. as an example, visual MODFLOW was used to simulate the layout and hydraulic conditions of the optimized water injection and pumping wells, for remediation of contaminated leaching in the enclosed site. Through the technical and economic comparison of 9 groups of injection and pumping well combinations, the optimal spacing of injection and pumping wells was 27 m, the optimal water injection and pumping capacity was 200~300 m3, and the arrangement mode was one injection-five pumping. The economic comparison with the ectopic disposal scheme showed that 7000 m3 contaminated soil was cost limit for the two schemes: the project with earthwork of 7000 m3 above should adopt leaching repair scheme, otherwise, the ectopic treatment method should be considered.
Key words:
- numerical simulation /
- barricading /
- injection pumping well /
- leaching repair /
- contaminated site
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