摘要: 我国每年有超过1亿t的钢渣副产品产出,但目前国内钢渣综合利用率低,仅为30%左右,与发达国家之间差距较大,尤其是在道路建设和钢铁企业内循环利用方面。针对钢渣安定性以及尾渣资源化利用问题,对国内外现有钢渣预处理技术以及综合利用技术进行了论述。而国内新一代钢渣辊压破碎-余热有压热闷技术,实现了钢渣处理的装备化、环境友好化和高效化,是处于世界先进水平的工艺,基本克服国内外多种传统技术存在的适用性小、安定性差以及污染等问题。同时,建议应开发高附加值、低排放的新型综合利用技术,改变利用技术单一的现状;对钢渣进行深度的基础研究,力争解决钢渣的低膨胀性问题,改变钢渣无法在结构混凝土中应用的现状。Abstract: In China, steel slag is produced with a output higher than 100 million ton per year. Whereas, the resource utilization rate of steel slag is at a low level of about 30%, which is far lower than the developer countries, especially in the road construction and internal recycling field. Facing the problem of stability and resource utilization, steel slag treatment and utilization technologies at home and abroad were discussed in this paper. The new technology-self-slaking high pressure technology, is a leading process and almost overcome nearly all the defects presented in the traditional processes, such as low feasibility, low stability, and high pollution. Furthermore, we should develop more new comprehensive utilization technology with high added value and low emission, in order to solve the problem of low expansion of steel slag, and promote the utilization of steel slag in structural concrete.
Key words:
- steel slag /
- treatment /
- situation /
- resource utilization
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