摘要: 研究了不同类型透水铺装系统对径流重金属的去除效能和机制。在实验室搭建了3种典型透水铺装系统(陶瓷透水砖、透水沥青和透水混凝土),研究了其对5种常见径流重金属(Cu、Zn、Cd、Mn、Ni)的去除效能和机制,并分析了不同降雨重现期(2,3,5年)对透水铺装系统去除径流重金属的影响。结果表明:3种透水铺装系统对5种径流重金属都有较好去除效果,其中陶瓷透水砖的去除效果最好,且去除效果最稳定。比较而言,陶瓷透水砖与透水沥青能够在短时间内降低重金属的浓度,透水混凝土达到吸附点位的速度较慢并有一定波动,特别是在不同降雨重现期下波动更加明显。在不同重现期下,各设施表现出不同性能,影响程度为2年>5年>3年,即整体在重现期为3年的降雨条件下有着较为优异且较为稳定的去除性能,而过大或过小的流量都会使透水铺装去除重金属的性能有所降低。Abstract: This paper studied the removal efficiency and mechanism of heavy metals on different types of permeable pavement systems in runoff water. Three typical permeable pavement systems (ceramic permeable bricks, permeable asphalt, and permeable concrete) were set up in the laboratory, and the removal efficiency and mechanism of five common runoff heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ni) were studied. Furthermore, the effects of rainfall recurrence periods (2 a, 3 a, 5 a) were analyzed. The results showed that the three permeable paving systems had good removal efficiencies on all five heavy metals, and compared with permeable asphalt and permeable concrete, ceramic permeable brick showed the best removal and stable removal efficiency. Ceramic permeable bricks and permeable asphalt could reduce the concentration of heavy metals in a shorter time, but the speed of permeable concrete reaching the adsorption point was slower and the effluent concentration was more unstable especially under different rainfall recurrence periods. Different permeable pavement systems exhibited different performance under different rainfall recurrence periods, with an impact degree sequence of 2 a>5 a>3 a. This result showed that permeable pavement systems had excellent and stable removal performance under the rainfall condition of 3 a, while a too large or too small flow rate would reduce the removal efficiency of heavy metal removal.
Key words:
- permeable pavement /
- heavy metal /
- road runoff /
- low-impact development /
- non-point source pollution
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