摘要: 实验用泥取自污水处理厂,经培养驯化为具有磷酸盐还原功能的厌氧活性污泥,通过调整不同磷源(大豆卵磷脂、骨粉、六偏磷酸钠、磷酸氢二钾、次磷酸钠、亚磷酸钠)、氮源(氯化铵、蛋白胨)及氮磷配比,考察磷化氢产气效能及磷酸盐去除率。结果显示:所选的磷源及氮源均能使磷酸盐还原系统产生磷化氢气体,说明磷酸盐还原系统对各种形态氮磷化合物的适应能力较强,其中单种磷源产气量最大的为无机磷次磷酸钠,以大豆卵磷脂为代表的有机磷产气量最小,添加骨粉和次磷酸钠对磷酸盐还原系统的产气量增加有促进作用,无机氮源氯化铵为氮源的产气量较大,最佳氮磷比为4:1,以蛋白胨为氮源时的最佳氮磷比为4:1,这2种氮源的混合对磷化氢气体产生具有促进作用。Abstract: The experimental sludge, which was taken from a sewage treatment plant, was domesticated into anaerobic activated sludge with phosphate reduction function through cultivation. By adjusting different phosphorus sources (soybean lecithin, bone meal, sodium hexametaphosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium hypophosphite and sodium phosphite), nitrogen source (ammonium chloride, peptone) and N/P ratio, the gas production efficiency of phosphine and removal rate of phosphate were measured in this research. The results showed that both the phosphorus source and nitrogen source used in this experiment could produce phosphine gas in the phosphate reduction system (PRS), which indicated that the PRS had a good adaptability to various nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. In addition, the inorganic phosphorous sodium as the single phosphorus source, had the largest gas production and the organic phosphorus represented by soybean lecithin produced the least amount of gas. The addition of bone meal and sodium hypophosphite could promote the increase of gas production in PRS. What's more, the inorganic nitrogen ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source, had a large gas production with the optimum ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus of 4:1, while the ratio was also 4:1 when peptone was used as nitrogen source. The mixing of these two nitrogen sources could promote the production of phosphine.
Key words:
- phosphate reducing /
- phosphorus source /
- nitrogen source /
- N/P ratio
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