摘要: 以北京市某生活垃圾填埋场作为研究对象,探究了正规填埋场陈腐垃圾资源化利用问题。填埋区多点采集样品,按不同粒径段筛分和人工分拣后,对其理化特性进行分析。结果表明:腐殖土粒径主要集中在<60 mm区间,占垃圾总量的53.08%,而塑料等易燃垃圾多集中在>60 mm,占总量的30.46%,采用60 mm筛进行筛分,可有效实现该填埋场中腐殖土和易燃垃圾的分类。参照GB 8172—1987《城镇垃圾农用控制标准》,腐殖土总氮含量低,个别点位蛔虫卵死亡率未达标,其他指标均符合标准,可通过堆肥、补充氮源、作为水泥窑替代原料实现再利用。易燃垃圾平均热值为23.13 MJ/kg,含水率和灰分分别为15.32%和10.21%,依据GB 50634—2010《水泥窑协同处置工业废物设计规范》,可作为水泥窑替代燃料进行再利用。Abstract: In order to explore the resource utilization of stale refuse in formal landfill, in this study, a municipal solid waste landfill in Beijing was taken as the research object. According to the size, mixed samples were divided into several groups and sorted manually, and their physical and chemical properties were analyzed. The results showed that stale refuse from the group of 0~60 mm were mainly humus soil and accounting for 53.08% of total stale refuse, and grain size of the combustible refuse such as plastic were mainly concentrated in 60 mm above, accounting for 30.46% of total stale refuse. Therefore, the stale waste of the landfill could be screened by 60 mm mesh to realize the coarse classification of humus soil and combustible refuse. Referring to the control standards for urban wastes for agricultural use (GB 8172-1987), the overall total nitrogen content was low in humus soil, and ascaris egg mortality exceeded the standard at some individual points, and other items in humus soil were qualified, which could realize reuse through composting, nitrogen sources supplement and cement kiln alternative raw materials. After screening, the average calorific value of combustible refuse reached 23.13 MJ/kg, and the moisture content and ash content were 15.32% and 10.21% respectively. According to the code for design of industrial waste co-composition in cement kiln (GB 50634-2010). Combustible refuse can be reused as a cement kiln alternative fuels.
Key words:
- landfill /
- stale refuse /
- physical composition /
- humus soil /
- combustible refuse /
- resource utilization
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