摘要: 采用污泥调质和机械压滤脱水的实验方法,研究了半焦添加量和压榨压力对基于半焦的城市污泥调质与机械压滤脱水泥饼含水率的影响。结果表明:在相同的实验条件下,城市污泥机械压滤脱水泥饼含水率随着半焦添加量的增加、压榨压力的增大而降低,当半焦添加量为4 g/100 mL污泥(含水95%),压榨压力为1.6 MPa时,压滤泥饼的含水率由现有的80%左右降至32.19%;基于半焦的城市污泥调质与机械压滤脱水的半工业试验验证了上述结论的正确性,同时发现压滤泥饼的热值由原污泥的7.82 MJ/kg提高到15.29 MJ/kg,可直接代替煤炭燃烧发电。半焦调质城市污泥+机械压滤脱水能实现城市污泥的高效能源化利用,对节约资源,保护环境有重要意义。Abstract: In this study, municipal sludge conditioning experiments and mechanical filter press dewatering of the conditioned sludge were performed to investigate the influence of the addition of semi-coke during the conditioning step, and the filtration pressure on the water content of the resulting sludge filter cake. The results indicated that the water content of sludge cake decreased with increasing amount of semi-coke added and filtration pressure. When the addition amount of semi-coke was 4 g/100 mL sludge (water content of 95%) with a filtration pressure of 1.6 MPa, the water content was reduced from 80% to 32.19%. The semi-industrial operation of sludge conditioning and dewatering based on semi-coke validated the conclusions above. In addition, it was found that the heat value of the sludge filter cake was improved from 7.82 MJ/kg to 15.29 MJ/kg through the addition of semi-coke, enabling the direct power generation and replacing the combustion of coal. The combination of semi-coke-aided conditioning and mechanical filter press dewatering of municipal sludge could achieve the efficient utilization of sludge as an energy source, which was significant to resource conservation and environmental protection.
Key words:
- semi-coke /
- municipal sludge /
- conditioning /
- mechanical filter press dewatering
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