摘要: 从材料比表面积、承载植物量、耐低温能力和成本价格等角度对比塑料材质花盆式浮床和无纺纤维浮床的差异,确定无纺纤维浮床为构建生态浮岛的最佳载体基材。在无纺纤维浮岛上栽种泽泻、慈姑、茭白、香蒲、美人蕉、凤尾蕨、芦苇7种本土水生植物,考察其存活率、去污效果、管理难易以及美化景观等因素,并进行综合指标评分,确定香蒲和茭白为构建生态浮岛的最优植物。在此基础上,构建1个兼具水体净化和景观环境美化的新型生态浮岛,并以水体富营养化的校园人工湖作为处理对象,考察生态浮岛对污染水体的净化效果。结果表明,生态浮岛系统出水中的COD、TN和TP均达到GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质标准。Abstract: By comparing the differences between the plastic flowerpot floating bed and the non-woven fiber floating bed from different aspects including specific surface area of material, carrying plant quantity, low temperature resistance and cost price, a non-woven fiber floating bed was determined to be the best carrier base material for the construction of ecological floating island. To study the survival rate, decontamination effect, management difficulty, landscaping, etc., seven species of native aquatic plants, including Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sagittaria trifolia, Zizania latifolia Stapf, Typha orientalis Presl, Canna indica, Pteris cretica, Phragmites communis, were planted on the non-woven fiber floating island, and comprehensive index scores were obtained, and Zizania latifolia Stapf and Typha orientalis Presl were found out as the good plants for the construction of ecological floating island. A new ecological floating island with both water purification and landscape beautification was constructed, and a campus artificial lake with eutrophication of water body was used as the treatment object to investigate the purification effect. The results showed that the COD, TN and TP of ecological floating island system effluent reached class Ⅳ limit value of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard (GB 3838-2002).
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