摘要: 2019年中国约有350万t的铝灰副产品产物,但铝灰利用低,大规模堆积,易引发严重的环境问题。针对铝灰资源化利用问题,对铝灰的来源、危害以及处理工艺进行了论述探讨。目前,一次铝灰的处理工艺主要有炒灰法、压榨回收法及球磨筛分法等,但存在装备化程度低,劳动强度大,处理过程环保问题突出等问题;二次铝灰可进行资源化利用作为制备脱硫剂、硫酸铝、聚合硫酸铝以及耐火材料等的原料,但这些综合资源化利用方法仍不够高效。因此,建议继续开发一次铝灰金属铝回收工艺,推广离心分离法和电化学法等环保工艺,改变现有工艺装备化程度低,工人作业条件差、劳动强度大等缺点,实现一次铝灰的清洁化生产;并结合调研本地产品市场行情,对二次铝灰中有价成分进行了功能性评估,制定合理且符合市场的综合利用方法。Abstract: In China, aluminum dross is produced with an output of about 3.5 million tons in 2019. Whereas, the resource utilization rate is in a low level, which results in a serious environmental problem. Facing the situation of resource utilization, the sources of aluminum dross, dangers and treatments are discussed in this paper in detail. Nowadays, the treatment methods of aluminum dross include stir-fry method, press method and ball mill method, but these methods have some disadvantages, such as low level of equipment, high labor intensity and poor working condition. The secondary aluminum dross can be used as the raw materials of the preparation of desulfurizer, aluminum sulfate, refractory, etc., but these resource utilization methods are not effective. It is necessary to develop a new and effective method to realize the harmless treatment and resource utilization of aluminum dross. To change the situation and realize clean production, a new method should be developed to treat primary aluminum dross or promote eco-friendly technologies such as centrifuging and electrochemical methods. Then, considering the production market, the valuable composition in the secondary aluminum dross should be evaluated, and then a reasonable comprehensive utilization method should be developed.
Key words:
- aluminum dross /
- situation /
- resource utilization
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