摘要: 高湿高黏固体废弃物产生量的日益增长,对生态环境造成了严重破坏,干化减量是使其得到资源化利用的关键一步,这是一个利用热能除去物料中水分的过程。由于高含水量、高黏度的特性,导致了易黏壁、难成形和干燥效率低等问题,对干燥设备的设计提出了更严格的要求。介绍了常见高湿高黏固体废弃物的种类和特点,分析了其干化减量的难点,综述了高湿高黏固体废弃物干燥机的研究进展。Abstract: The increasing quantity of high-humidity and high-viscosity solid wastes has caused serious damage to the ecological environment. Drying reduction is a key step for resource utilization. This is a process that uses heat energy to remove moisture from materials. Due to the characteristics of high water content and high viscosity, it has caused problems such as easily sticking to the wall, slowshaping and low drying efficiency, which puts forward more stringent requirements on the design of drying equipment. This article introduced the types and characteristics of common high-humidity and high-viscosity solid wastes, analyzed the difficulties in drying reduction, and reviewed the research progress of dryers for high-humidity and high-viscosity solid wastes.
Key words:
- high humidity and viscosity /
- solid waste /
- drying reduction
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