为全面了解某非正规垃圾填埋场的污染状况,对该研究区填埋气、渗滤液及腐殖土进行采样分析,并采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗污染指数法和地积累指数法综合评价该垃圾填埋场腐殖土中的重金属污染状况。结果表明:填埋气甲烷含量为2.59%~53.62%,仅1/5的点位浓度低于5%,且H2S、NH3、臭气和非甲烷总烃的浓度存在显著超标情况。就垃圾渗滤液而言,有11种污染指标超过GB 16889—2008《生活垃圾填埋场控制标准》,其中色度、悬浮物、COD、BOD5、总氮及氨氮点位超标率为100%。以GB 36600—2018《土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管理标准(试行)》第1类用地风险筛选值为标准,单因子污染指数及地积累指数评价结果表明:部分点位腐殖土中存在Ni和Pb轻微或轻度污染。内梅罗污染指数法评价结果进一步表明场地中部分点位腐殖土的重金属综合污染水平为轻度。总体上该垃圾填埋场存在较大安全隐患,应引起重视。该研究方法及结论可为类似场地污染评价工作提供技术参考。
The main objective of the paper was to comprehensively assess pollution level of an informal landfill in Zhejiang. The landfill gas, leachate and humus of this landfill were investigated and analyzed in terms of common parameters including methane, H2S, COD, etc.. Standard index, Nemero pollution index and index of geoaccumulation were also used to evaluate heavy metal pollution in the humus of the studied landfill. The obtained results showed that the methane content of the landfill gas ranged from 2.59% to 53.62%. Moreover, the concentration of several parameters including H2S, NH3, odor and non methane total hydrocarbon was significantly higher than the standard. In terms of the landfill leachate, the content of 11 kinds of common pollutants exceeded the standard of GB 16889-2008, among which the concentration of chroma, suspended matters, COD, BOD5, total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen of all samples were found to exceed the standard. The concentration of heavy metals, including Ni and Pb was slightly higher than the risk screening values of the first type of land in the Soil Environment Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Development Land (China National Standard, GB 36600-2018). The results obtained from the index of geoaccumulation evaluation demonstrated that part of humus were slightly polluted by Ni and Pb. Nemero pollution evaluation result further indicated that the pollution level of heavy metals in humus soil was mild. Overall, there was potential safety risk from this informal landfill. More attention should be paid to pollution from landfill in the future studies.