摘要: 土地利用类型可显著影响PM2.5的污染浓度,研究两者间的关系,对于大气污染治理具有重要意义。目前现有研究大多基于回归模型分析土地利用类型,在年尺度上对PM2.5的固定影响,而土地利用类型与PM2.5之间关系复杂,且在不同季节影响力度也不尽相同。基于此,利用增强回归树定量化探讨了不同季节土地利用类型对PM2.5浓度影响的贡献率,结果表明:土地利用类型在不同季节中对PM2.5浓度影响存在显著差异,春、夏、秋、冬四季的主导因素分别为支路(27.37%)、次干路(19.17%)、植被覆盖面(37.23%)、建设用地(86.37%)。此外,根据不同季节各土地利用类型对PM2.5的影响力变化曲线,提供了在优化绿化建设布局和加强交通管控力度两方面的量化指标,可为潍坊市PM2.5污染治理提供规划参考。Abstract: With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, China's frequent occurrence of haze weather has seriously affected People's daily life and health. As an important part of haze, PM2.5 has become a hot issue. The type of land use can significantly affect the pollution concentration of PM2.5, and the study of the relationship between the type of land use and PM2.5 pollution is of great significance for air pollution control. At present, most of the existing researches are based on regression model to analyze the fixed influence of land use type on PM2.5 on an annual scale. However, the relationship between land use type and PM2.5 is complex, and the influence intensity is not the same in different seasons. Based on this, the contribution rate of land use type to PM2.5 concentration in different seasons was quantitatively discussed by using the method of boosted regression tree. The results showed that the land use type had significant difference in the influence of PM2.5 concentration in different seasons, and the dominant factors in spring, summer, autumn and winter were branch road (27.37%), secondary trunk road (19.17%), vegetation coverage (37.23%) and construction land (86.37%). In addition, according to the influence curve of different land use types on PM2.5 in different seasons, specific and quantitative planning indicators of optimizing the layout of greening construction and strengthening traffic control were provided for the control of PM2.5 pollution in Weifang.
Key words:
- land use /
- boosted regression tree model /
- PM2.5 /
- contribution rate /
- season
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